Use of Water Logged wood
Another construction practice the Herald reports as attributing was....Far from being built with a cavity lining to drain away water, the cladding was backed with wood-fibre panels that soaked up water.
NZ Consumer Magazines website said in September 2008
Time is running out for making a claim to the Weathertight Homes Resolution Service.
Since the early 1990s thousands of houses have been built using modern plaster systems and flush-jointed, rigid-sheet materials. Many of these houses leak because of problems with the building design and installing the claddings. In other cases materials have been used inappropriately.
Homeowners whose houses or multi-unit dwellings are less than 10 years old and are leaking and damaged can make a claim under the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2006. For many properties the 10-year time limit is just around the corner.
Here is someone in England who actually starts with unusual wood shapes and look what she turns them into. Wow.
These are driftwood horse sculptures by Heather Jansch who live and work in Westcountry of England. Its amazing how she managed to put those branches together to form such an art.
More pics at Link here via Hemmy